Earth Star | Squirrel | Olive

I Have an Unlimited Energy Source.

Squirrel scurries into your cards with a burst of energy to restore your vitality and buoyancy! Have you been feeling sore, tired, over-worked, chronically ill, too old or all of the above? Squirrel reminds you that the key to having vibrant health and an unlimited energy source comes from connecting to the purity of your inner-child.

Have you been disconnected from having fun lately? Do you feel you are missing out on wonder, curiosity, and playfulness? Chronically fearing your loved-ones’ safety or how you are going to pay your bills will keep you stuck in survival terror and take all of the innocence, ease and pleasure out of life. Holding onto resentment will hold you in a state of suffering.

Sometimes we shut down our inner spark of joy to appease and not threaten our partner, family members, coworkers or community. As adults we feel we have to be chronically serious to carry the weight of the world at all times. This eventually leads to feeling bored, achy, old and tired. When you discover how to feed your own soul through your heart connection, you will no longer solely rely on your partner, friends, family members, sugar, caffeine or any other external source to fill your cup.

Nurturing your inner-child connects you with an unlimited flow of life force energy and is the secret to aging gracefully….so go ahead and sing, dance, write poetry, paint a portrait or climb a tree! How you feel inside is how you look outside. If you feel old and tired, you will project that image out to the world and get exactly that mirrored back to you. Fill your cup with a healthy sense of child-like wonder and joy! Remember…laughter is the best medicine for a tired soul.

Let us not confuse this with an unwillingness to grow up, or Peter Pan syndrome, in which case squirrel is here to snap you out of your overly magical-thinking and remind you of the importance of being prepared, so as not to end up like squirrel road-kill. Use your imagination and take action to make sure to have what you need for your future. Storing enough nuts for the winter makes staying playful so much easier.

Bach Flower Essence: Olive

Key words: energy, inner-child, imagination, innocence, purity, curiosity and wonder, exhaustion, sunshine and nature, illness, preparation, spirituality, fear, Peter Pan syndrome, health and vitality, nutrition, aging, joints, arthritis, chronic fatigue, immune system, autoimmune issues, proprioception, equilibrium

Action Steps:

  1. Journal about things in your past that took your innocence, ie: physical or sexual abuse, parenting your siblings, divorce, poverty, family tragedy, etc.

  2. Do you feel like the seriousness of life makes you unable to be vulnerable? Take time to meditate on the source of this pattern.

  3. Are you holding onto resentment? Meditate and pray to find forgiveness in your heart.

  4. Find safe and healthy ways to feel like a kid again! Ie: Ice-skating, coloring, board game playing, etc.

  5. Notice what it feels like and means to honor another person’s inner-child, also observe when you feel honored in this way. This means cherishing and respecting one another, free of guilt, fear judgement or manipulation.

  6. Do you over-rely on sugar, caffeine, or your loved-ones calling for energy? Explore a new creative project to tap into the energy source within.

  7. Are you depleted or deficient in vitamins and minerals? Find ways to add what you need to your diet.

  8. Be prepared! Step out of denial and stock up on anything you may need in case of emergency, in your car, in your home, for your future.

  9. Move your body every day, this will help eliminate toxins to enhance energy and creativity.

  10. Work on your connection with Source Energy/God. A good way to do this is to connect with nature or animals daily. God is reflected back to us in the purity of nature.

  11. Notice how safe you feel expressing your inner child, or true self. People that accept and support your inner child are authentically supporting you.

  12. Are you always tired and achy? Contemplate what or whom might be depleting your energy.

  13. Notice what you rely on to temper your fears….friends, family, food, alcohol, TV. Observe without judgement.

  14. How much energy do you spend worrying about your loved-ones’ survival? Observe without judgement.

  15. Practice hip opening yogic poses and sit on the floor in butterfly pose.

  16. Laugh more! Find the humor in being human.

  17. Do you live in chronic pain and exhaustion? Contemplate if you are over-riding your need for deep rest and relaxation.

  18. Remember it’s all about the little things…so pay it forward. Small miracles change lives and help us remember our inner-child ability to BELIEVE.


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