Earth Star | Dolphin | Scleranthus
I Let Go and Let God.
Dolphin swims into your cards to bring back your sense of fun, freedom and surrender. Have you found it hard to be yourself without worrying about what others think? Do you freeze in your decision-making, feeling obligated to please everyone? Dolphin helps you restore your balanced inner mother and release the need to be perfect. Needing to be understood and accepted by everyone is a form of codependency. Dolphin addresses the trauma created by embarrassment, humiliation, tarnished reputations or anytime you are forced to judge yourself through other people’s eyes. If you’ve experienced a controlling mother, dolphin brings the key to help you release the tension held in your mind and body in order to let go and let God.
True mothering qualities include but are not limited to: knowing the right thing to do but not always having to be right; understanding and protecting the innocence of a child; letting people be their age; knowing that true beauty comes from within; forgiving and forgetting; knowing when to put someone’s feelings before your own; understanding that no child grows while being judged; knowing when to choose love before truth; finding the silver lining; letting others shine; and giving the benefit of the doubt.
Dolphin reminds you that these Divine Mother qualities in no way mean that you should enable abusive behavior or let someone walk all over you. Instead it is in creating inner emotional safety that gives you the ultimate sense of freedom. In letting go of overly-caring what others think of you and surrendering to being perfectly imperfect, you allow others around you to do the same.
Dolphin reminds you that the grass is not always greener on the other side, so release yourself from comparisons. Remember, no one likes a nosy neighbor….and it’s not about looking like a good person, it’s about truly being a good person.
Bach Flower Essence: Scleranthus
Key Words: reputation, inner mother, nosiness, obligation, perfectly imperfect, mastering emotions, embarrassment and humiliation, decision-making, grass is greener, feminine energy, hardening or paralysis, fascia, souls of feet, Plantar Fasciitis, hyper-mobility, Raynaud’s syndrome, balance, vertigo
Action Steps:
Journal about any past memories of embarrassment, humiliation and reputation issues related to your mother.
Identify any religious guilt or self-imposed condemnation that has negatively affected you, making you distrust your connection to God/Source Creator.
Plan fun mini-adventures and day trips. Go to new places and try new things!
Narcissistic abuse is like low-level mind control and will eventually make you unable to make decisions. Paralyzed. Notice if you often go into “freeze” mode. Research ways to unfreeze the nervous system.
Practice cross-patterning movements, brain-switching therapies and somatics techniques.
Do you often do things in secret? Contemplate the origin and journal about things you feel shame around or do in secret.
Have you created inner emotional safety? Observe your inner talk. Practice supporting yourself as if you are your own mother.
Notice if, when, how and why you sometimes squelch someone’s fun or creative expression; or how it feels when someone does it to you.
Start noticing if caring what other people think or “keeping up with the Jones” is getting in the way of living your authentic, unique life.
is your fascia tight from trying to keep everyone happy? Get a massage and amp up your self-care.
Do you get angry if told how you should think or feel? Journal about your 20 year old self and your sense of individuation from parents and family members.
The more you support yourself in being perfectly imperfect, the more you will be free. Trying to keep everyone happy creates a frozen, angry, or fearful demeanor. Observe your perfectionist tendencies.
Learn and practice yogic balance postures like tree pose. When you can do them without wobbling, you are in your body. Try balancing at different times a day to notice when and why you leave your body energetically.
Do you suffer from always thinking the grass is greener? If you had a different partner, bigger house, etc., then you would be happy? Contemplate and journal if this has been a repeat pattern.
Do you often turn on yourself? Looking through the lens of others can make you belittle yourself. Observe when you project onto yourself what you think other people feel about you. And then believe it.
Observe if you are terrified of not being perfect. Signs of this are over-planning everything and worrying if it is good enough, making sure to do things how everyone wants you to so no one gets mad or judges you. Invite God in and loosen the reigns….notice how much easier it becomes to know when the right thing shows up.
Did you have a highly critical mother? This can really amp up the fear of being imperfect. Work on your inner healthy mother by using kind, loving and nurturing words to yourself.