Earth Star | Fox | Walnut
Everything Comes to Me in Perfect Timing.
Fox shows up in your reality to remind you to be keen to the signs and synchronicities of perfect timing. Fox brings the gifts of camouflage, protection and adaptability whilst moving thru transitions. Are you going through an up-grade or being asked to change in an uncomfortable new way? Insulate yourself with the trust in divine timing to ease your vulnerability while you receive all that you need along the way. Fox may be ushering in a time to observe rather than speak and to practice being a mystery instead of wearing your emotions on your sleeve. Learning the art of camouflage will protect you from nosiness, voyeurs and naysayers. Watching for subtle cues can help you keep a fox out of your hen house.
Fox invites you into the right side of the brain where we remember we are all one and all part of the whole. Reading signs, symbols and synchronicities that cross your path is a sure way to get the clues you need. Like doing a jig saw puzzle, each piece of your life and every detail comes together in perfect timing to allow for the next piece to fit. If we rush or trivialize these transitions on our journey, we miss the gifts along the way. Honoring every step of the process is key! Detaching from group-think and societal programming will help you clearly see your unique puzzle. And just when you least expect it….the very thing you’ve been inquiring about or praying for will appear out of nowhere, just like red fox on a sunny day.
Bach Flower Essence: Walnut
Key Words: symbols and patterns, perfect timing, silence and meditation, change, adaptability, feeling worthy of good things, insulation through transition, camouflage, societal norms, rites of passage, addiction, defecation, right brain, finger nails, Alzheimer’s and dementia
Action Steps:
Start a daily meditation practice to quiet your mind and get into the right side of your brain.
Notice messages throughout your day like repeat number sequences, song lyrics that speak to you, animals that cross your path, etc. Look at each day as your very own puzzle and contemplate the patterns, symbols and messages.
Start a dream journal and write down details that you remember upon waking so you can see patterns and symbols that are showing up.
Practice observing rather than speaking.
Are you needing to feel more insulated while you go through a major change? Contemplate what that might look like, ie: less socializing, less social media, more self care, etc.
Spend time “out of time.” Get out of your to-do list and expand into a creative project or in nature.
Remember to ask and you shall receive. Pray for the answer and watch for signs along your path.
Get into the big picture. See what you see and feel in observing from a neutral place.
Do you feel worthy of good things and miracles? Journal around how much you invite in, look for, and accept miracles in your life.
Do societal or family norms keep you from finding your own path? Take time to reflect on how you truly feel.
Do you have an addiction that you know you should stop but you just can’t? Pray around it and watch what shows up.
Practice yogic forward bending postures.
Notice if you feel everything is random. Invite in and look for patterns and synchronicities.
Get into the right side of your brain by using your left hand and doing cross-patterning movements.