Crown Chakra | Owl | Cerato

I Follow My Inner Guidance.

Has owl been hooting at your window lately? You are getting a friendly reminder to follow YOUR inner guidance. Have you been spinning in circles trying to find answers from people around you? Do you often think there is an expert or guru that has it all figured out, causing you to jump from one teacher to the next? In always feeling you are the novice, you avoid becoming your own best teacher. Learning to develop your inner guru and connection to your higher-self is key. Mentors along your path are important, but no one can do the inner-work for you. Owl could be bringing a message that if something seems too good to be true, it often is! The snake-oil salesperson thrives on those who don’t trust their own inner guidance.

Owl reminds you that we all have gifts to share as well as lessons and blind spots to work on. We are all equal in the big picture, regardless of age or status. When we hold someone to an unattainable standard, they usually fall from grace pretty quickly.

Often your best teachers are right in front of you in your daily life. A spiritual seeker once traveled to the top of the mountain to seek guidance from wise owl. Owl gave the seeker an address of where he would find his guru. The man obeyed wise owl and followed his directions soon to realize owl led him back to his own home with his wife and children. Sometimes the answer is right in front of you once you listen to that quiet inner voice of guidance.

Remember….when you ask, you shall receive, it is universal law. Patience and owl’s keen observation are required to notice when, how and “hoo” the answer comes to you through.

Bach Flower Essence: Cerato

Key Words: ask and you shall receive, inner voice, teachers, answers right in front of you, egocentric, altruistic, humanitarian, power, observation, humility, crystals, Inner guru, scalp, integumentary system, intuition

Action Steps:

  1. Meditation and quiet contemplation are key in hearing your inner guidance.

  2. Learn a form of kinesiology like dousing with a pendulum or muscle testing to communicate with your higher-self through yes/no questions.

  3. Observe the subtle ways you give someone more power than you or authority over you. Notice what triggers this in you: money, status, age, education, looks, etc.

  4. Practice being a teacher of something you are good at.

  5. Practice asking God for an answer and listening. Answers come to you in proper timing if you ask and listen.

  6. Work with an amethyst crystal.

  7. What is your relationship to power? What do you deem as wealth? Journal around what makes you feel powerful and when you feel powerful.

  8. Meditate with the ancient sound “Ohm” by repeating it slowly with your breath.

  9. Observe your unique energy signature and what you bring and add to an experience with others.

  10. Notice if you have to get everyone’s opinion on every decision you make. Instead, practice containing the energy of the decision while listening for the next step to reveal itself to you.

  11. Is someone using their ego to bully you, or are you using ego force? Observe how your ego is serving you or hindering you.


Soul Star • Alligator • Chestnut Bud


Crown • Woodpecker • Clematis