Throat Chakra | Peacock | Larch
I Trust Myself.
Peacock shows up to remind you to trust in the beauty of your unique and colorful feathers. Are you feeling a lack of confidence or do you sometimes feel held back by your fear of failure? Often when we lack trust in ourself and assume others are better or more qualified, we avoid doing the things we love, thinking we are not good enough. Peacock brings you the message to put more focus on your passion and purpose work to heal your self-doubt.
Do you struggle with imposter syndrome? Many times we create our own low self-esteem prison by comparing ourself to others and deciding we are inferior. Holding yourself to an unattainable standard will make you hold others there as well. Peacock reminds you that self-esteem and confidence are the foundation for true, colorful success. Maybe you are afraid that if you are too confident you will come across as egotistical? Remember that a healthy, balanced ego is neither a superiority complex nor an inferiority complex. Vanity is a way we cover up low self-worth, and over-modesty can be the exact same thing in the other direction. Trusting yourself means honoring your strengths and allowing for your short-comings. When you remember that there is enough to go around, you more easily trust that you have all the tools you need. Balanced confidence is key. Be like peacock and strut your beautiful, one-of-a-kind stuff.
Bach Flower Essence: Larch
Key Words: confidence, fear of failure, self esteem, trusting, unattainable standards, over-modesty, imposter syndrome, enough to go around, jaw and neck muscles, mouth and tongue, speech
Action Steps:
Focus on your strengths rather than your weaknesses. Make a list of things you are good at. Work on your self-talk, start saying kinder, more encouraging things to yourself.
Say to yourself “I trust myself” throughout the day when self-doubt surfaces.
Practice giving yourself a compliment when you look in the mirror rather than finding something negative to fixate on. Also close your eyes and list inner beauty traits about yourself.
Notice how you respond to a photo of yourself and change your reaction to positive and supportive.
Do you have a hard time making decisions? Observe how often throughout the day you just can’t decide.
Do you struggle with imposter syndrome? Practice doing what you love even if it feels like faking it until you become it.
Chronic imposter syndrome often stems from narcissistic abuse. Did someone mentally or emotionally manipulate you to control you? Contemplate and journal around thoughts that come up.
Do you overly fear sounding egotistical? You may be dimming your light trying to be overly humble. Contemplate if you were taught that having confidence is like bragging.
Do things that make you feel good about yourself and stick with it! Follow your passion to align with your purpose.
Do you become extremely codependent in your relationships? Contemplate if you lose yourself and as a result become bored with life. Healing codependency will shift this. Awareness is 50% of the solution.
Notice if when you look good you are afraid to see it, or that you can’t see yourself. An extreme of this is body dysmorphia and eating disorders.
Do you hold yourself to an unattainable standard and always raise the bar if you make progress? Practice honoring your strengths and accepting your short-comings.
Connect with your 9-year-old self and see if any memories surface that affected your self-esteem.
Observe if you diminish yourself because you assume other people must be better than you.
Practice yogic balancing poses such as tree or mountain pose.
Contemplate if jealousy was cast upon you growing up. Did this make you afraid to show your talents and gifts?