Third Eye | Prairie Dog | Gorse
Things Are Always Working Out.
Prairie dog pops up from underground to remind you to keep your chin up, even if you are in a chapter of your life story that feels less than stellar. Have you developed a fear of having hope because things never seem to work out as you planned? Prairie dog may be here to signal that good news is on its way….remember, what goes down must always come back up. Prairie dog’s large, solemn eyes used to navigate dark, underground tunnels remind you to try to see the bigger picture right now rather than holding a narrow perspective. The smaller view through the eyes of ego alone always leads to disharmony and blame between the masculine and feminine, within yourself and within your relationships.
If you are feeling a sense of grief, hopelessness, or relationship distress, know that although it might not feel like it right now, things are always working out. You may have reached a deal-breaker or no-going-back moment in which it is important to remember that all things happen for a reason and in perfect timing. The life of a soul is eternal, but it can feel unbearable when we lose someone in the physical, whether through a separation, a break-up or a death. Prairie dog reminds you that when one door closes, you can be certain another will open. It is often the broken heart that leads one back to the wholeness of God.
In honoring the opposing principles of cosmic energy, yin and yang, we learn how to honor both life and death, light and dark, and day and night. We cannot have one without the other. If we get stuck in a chronic negative or dark outlook for too long we miss the moment that the sun comes out again. Be like prairie dog and retreat for a bit into quiet solitude to restore your sense of faith and eternal hope. Before you know it you will once again see the silver lining and understand the balance of your life’s journey.
Bach Flower Essence: Gorse
Key Words: Grief, hope, depression, light at the end of the tunnel, relationship distress, yin and yang, skepticism, faith, solitude, silver lining, deep rest, masculine and feminine balance, medulla oblongata, pineal gland
Action Steps:
Practice having faith. Fully believing that everything is always working out means having faith when you hit a bump in the road on your journey.
Do you feel a hopelessness with your intimate relationships, as if the masculine and feminine never can get along? Journal about what dynamics you witnessed between your mom and dad. This created your inner masculine and feminine relationship.
Are your hormones out of wack from poor sleep? Take steps to get deep rest for proper melatonin production. Try candle lit baths with essential oils and soft music before bedtime.
Take a vitamin D3 supplement if you aren’t in the sun daily. Detox your pineal gland to balance your circadian rhythm.
Find ways to grieve a loss, whether it is a person or relationship. Holding on to grief can start to effect the brain and memory.
Do brain balancing activities like cross-patterning movements.
Try the yogic practice alternate nostril breathing to balance left and right brain.
What we resist persists, and what we fear the most is what our soul chooses as our greatest teaching. Trust you are equipped to get through even the biggest challenge.
Look for the silver lining to keep a higher perspective. Become the vibrational match to what you want to create.
Observe if you have a pattern of pushing away things when they feel good.
Contemplate your 16 year old self and any traumatic break-ups or deal-breaking moments.
Do you fear having hope because things don’t seem to work out? Journal about things in your past that seemed to not work out, and any silver lining that came of it.